Friday, December 14, 2007

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. So what words do you hear this picture saying? Emmanuel, "God with us." "My peace I give to you." "Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Love and adoration of the Christ child exhibited by not only the shepherds but by kings. Love of the Father, that he would send his only Son to live among us, knowing the pain and suffering that would follow.
Jesus was born in a stable, not a castle. He lived a common life, not a life of wealth and privilege. He experienced every hard part of life that we deal with and every joy. He knew the love of friends and family as well as the betrayal and hatred of enemies. He walked in our shoes. He did all of this because of His love for us. He chose to be the sacrifice that would allow us to live with Him eternally but also to enjoy the joy, peace and comfort He gives here on earth.
Christmas is a time of celebration. Have fun. Enjoy your family and friends. But, don't get so busy and stressed out that you forget what this season is really all about. It is about love and sacrifice, God's and ours.
To all of my family, friends and extended family, I wish you a very special and blessed Christmas season. May it last throughout the next 366 days and not be limited to one brief period in December.
Love to all, Mama Lois

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Can't Get Warm!!!

The sun shines through the window quite deceptively, today. There is snow on the ground and ice cycles on the bird feeder, yet it looks as if it should be warm outside. It was 12 degrees this morning. I haven't been able to get warm all day. My feet feel like ice cubes. (Yes, I am wearing socks on my feet!) I sit at my desk with the heater on hoping to warm up a little but it is useless. I guess I will have to try something different. Maybe hand warmers, sock warmers, hot chocolate. What a good idea. Chocolate, hot or cold, fixes anything.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sir Winter

It's quiet outside. Through the cracks in my eyelids, I can tell there is a definite change in the morning light. Even though the curtains are still closed the bedroom has that white, ethereal glow that is the tell-tale sign of an early morning snow. He's here. He entered with boldness, blustering through the trees, large rain drops hitting the ground solidly, letting me know he has no intention of leaving anytime soon. Sometime during the night he settled in and made himself comfortable. He began to spread his soft, white blanket around him, settling in for a long, sweet winter. It's nice to have him back. Welcome, Sir Winter.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Every Good and Perfect Gift...

Every day I receive a devotional from the Proverbs 31 organization. This morning, it made me stop and think. It quite often does this to me but today it spoke to me as encouragement and affirmation. I thought I would share it with all. It definitely isn't gender specific. Hope that you enjoy this. For more good words, go to:

October 3, 2007
Better Than Good
By Micca Campbell
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17(NIV)
Is your definition of good different from God’s? I’ve found during the course of my life that I tend to think I know what’s best for me. And since I like to be in charge, I often find myself telling God what I think He should do, or how He should change my circumstances so that all works out for my good. I like it when things go my way. Besides, who knows what’s best for me better than me—right?
God always has our best interest at heart whether we believe it or not. Unlike us, He can see far into the future, and by this, determine what’s best. Unfortunately, you and I often settle for less than good by not trusting God to give us His best. I can only imagine the day we stand before God and see Him as He really is.
Silent before Him in wonder and awe, we’ll say to ourselves, “Why didn’t I hush and do it His way. Oh, what blessings I missed.” It reminds me of an ancient legend I heard about a swan and a crane.
A beautiful swan came to rest by the banks of a pond where a crane was wading, seeking snails. After a few moments, the crane looked at the swan and asked, “Where did you come from?
The swan replied, “I come from Heaven!”
“Heaven?” asked the crane.
“Heaven,” replied the swan. “Haven’t you ever heard of heaven?” And the swan went on to describe the splendor and grandeur of the eternal city. She told the crane about the streets of gold and about the gates and walls made of precious stones. She told about the crystal sea and on the banks stood a tree that healed the nations of the world. In great and eloquent language, the swan described the hosts of saints and angels who lived in the world beyond.
Somewhat surprisingly, the crane didn’t appear to be the least bit interested in the place the swan described. Eventually the crane asked the swan, “Are there any snails there?”
“Snails!” declared the swan, obviously revolted at the thought. “Of course, there are no snails in heaven.”
“Then you can have your heaven,” said the crane continuing its search along the slimy, muddy banks of the pond. “What I want are snails!”
While this story is but an old fable, it reveals a profound truth. Often, you and I turn away from God’s best in order to search for snails.
I wonder if we took a hard long look at God today, would we choose the good things He has to offer us or would we cling to the slimy banks we are so use to…settling only for snails?
Let’s no longer bury our heads in the mud. Look up. God wants to give us His best.
What are the snails in your life that keep you from God’s best?
Power Verses:
Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” (NIV)
Lamentations 3:25
“The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him” (NIV)

Saturday, September 29, 2007


There was snow on the ground this morning. Not only was it on the ground but it was on the leaves of the trees. My yellow daisies were looking out from under their white caps, a droop in their shoulders. Summer is gone. They must be leaving me. They promised to return in the spring. How sad. I will miss them.

There was snow on the ground this morning. The juvenile Great Grey Owl sat on the fence post surveying the snow covered meadow. Where will he find his meals? His parents were killed on the highway. Who will teach him how to survive in the winter?

There was snow on the ground this morning. I am still having trouble believing it. After all, it is only the end of September. The snow isn't supposed to make its appearance for another month. Maybe it's just teasing me.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You Found Me!

Yup, here I am. Many thoughts are swirling around in my head, today. When I can connect the dots, I will write more. In the meantime, I'm not giving up my MySpace or Facebook. But if I have anything profound, or otherwise, to say I will post it here.

Consider This.... May 27, 2007

I am currently doing a Bible study on-line with Beth Moore. It is entitled "Living Beyond Yourself". It is about the gifts of the Spirit and how the Holy Spirit works in us. Today's homework was quite impacting. Consider this: In Judges 6:24 it says, "Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon." The words came upon are the word labesh, in Hebrew. It means to wrap around, put on a garment or to clothe. God himself became the covering for Gideon's guilt and the armour for Gideon's victory. So, I likewise have been clothed with Christ. In other words, I am enfolded in the arms of Christ, like a baby swaddled tightly and surrounded by the arms of its Abba, Father. Mmmmm. Is that comforting, or what?

Spring - April 25, 2007

Well, all the signs of spring are here. My flowers are making an appearance. Some are even blooming. The sun is playing hide and seek with the clouds. Today, the clouds are winning. I worked in my flowerbeds today until I was tired of the intermittant rain. It's no fun to be soaking wet. The trees are budding, at least those that remain. The local critter population seems to have increased this year. Either that they have discovered that no dog lives here, right now. We have one visitor that is most unwelcome and remains invisible, except for leaving signs of his presence. The beaver has violated my trees. He has discovered their tender bark and has feasted upon them. It is so sad. There they are. Cut down in their youth. We have no idea where the beaver is. He hides by day and returns by night. I am sure that he is somewhere feeling very pleased with himself. I, however, am not so pleased.

From Grandma's Perspective - January 12, 2007

Wow!! What a roller coaster ride. I had no idea. The phrase "you can't picture it until you've been there" has once again proven itself. I'm a Grandma! I stood by and watched as my son-in-law was the best husband/ coach I have ever witnessed, and being a retired labor and delivery nurse, I have watched many. I watched my baby girl be the strongest woman I could ever imagine. There are no words to express how much I admired her as she graciously went through one of the most challenging events of her life. I was in awe of her. Then, the most amazing thing happened. After hours of teasing us and months of waiting, Jenna Irene made her entrance and I became a Grandma. Jenna is beautiful and perfect. I know that I am not biased in any way because too many people agree with me for it not to be so. Some say she looks like her daddy and some say like her mommy. In all reality, she looks like Jenna, a perfect sweetheart, a special gift from God. How blessed we are. Welcome to our world precious little one. I can't wait for what lies ahead. Grandma loves you. Thank you, Josh and Krissy for such a wonderful gift. I love you both bunches and bunches.

So Blessed - October 17, 2006

Two nights ago we built our first fire in the fireplace, this season. We didn't use the fireplace at all last year. I didn't realize how much I missed it. There is nothing like backing up in front of a warm fireplace, even if you aren't particulary cold. This morning I am sitting at my desk. ( as usual) Looking out my window, there is no question that winter is just around the corner. The last of the fall colors are stubbornly hanging on to the trees. There are more and more bare branches. The blooms on my pansies are bravely hanging in there, surrounded with the remains of last night's wet snow. It is time to put the lawn mower away and clean out the flower beds. It hardly seems like summer should be gone. Where did it go to? Oh yes! I know! It's still there, in my memory. It was warm, wonderful, sweet and full of precious memories that will last a lifetime. There is no other way to describe it. So, I will make some room in the flower beds of my heart for the next season. Wife, Mother, Mother-inlaw, and now a Grandma. I am so blessed!